The flute is the smallest of the beginner instruments. It is a very popular selection each year, but only a small portion of those wishing to play flute will be selected.
Physical Characteristics: Flute players should have a slight "frown" to the upper lip with NO tear drop shape in the middle of the top lip. Flute tones are produced by being able to focus an extremely small airstream to an exact location on the tone hole. The tear drop shaped lip will make it difficult to direct the air precisely. Flute players should also have agile fingers for moving this multi-keyed instrument through a fast musical passage. Students with extreme overbites should avoid choosing flute as this make it difficult to produce quality sounds.
Other Considerations: Students with double-jointed fingers should avoid selecting flute as double-jointedness can cause lack of agility in the fingers.
10% of students will be selected to play FLUTE
Elisabeth Wentland - Kuhlau fantasy for flute solo op. 38 D major
James Galway and The Ulster Orchestra - Mozart Rondo Allegro
The oboe is similar in appearance to a clarinet, but is played using a double reed instead of a single reed and mouthpiece. Selection of players is EXTREMELY limited. VERY few will actually be selected to for oboe.
Physical Characteristics: Students with profound overbites or underbites would have extreme difficulties producing good sounds on the oboe since the embouchure (mouth position) requires equal pressure on both sides of the reed.
Other Considerations: Because the oboe is such a difficult instrument to master, only students with high academic performance records will be considered. Students who choose (and are selected) to play oboe are EXPECTED to take weekly private lessons with the applied private lessons teacher at Schindewolf. Students are also required to maintain a supply of 3-4 high quality reeds at all times. Students with a history of disciplinary issues will not be considered for oboe.
2% of students will be selected to play OBOE
Oboe Personality: Studious
Alessandro Marcello, Concerto in re minore per oboe e orchestra
Céline Moinet - Schumann - Romances for oboe & piano
The bassoon is to the oboe what the bass clarinet is to the clarinet. It is the larger, lower sounding version of the double reed family. VERY few students will be selected to play bassoon.
Physical Characteristics: A slight overbite is okay for students wishing to play bassoon, however, a student with an underbite should avoid bassoon. Agile thumbs are a necessity for playing bassoon proficiently as swell as a medium or greater hand span.
Other Considerations: Like the oboe, the bassoon is a difficult instrument to master, therefore only students with high academic performance records will be considered. Students who choose (and are selected) to play bassoon are EXPECTED to take weekly private lessons with the applied lesson teacher at Schindewolf. Students are required to maintain a supply of 3-4 high-quality reeds at ALL times.
Again, the financial trade-off for having to take lessons and keep a stock of working reeds is that Hofius provides bassoons for students at a cost of $52 instrument maintenance fee for an entire school year payable to KISD for routine maintenance.
2% of students will be selected for BASSOON
Jeffrey Lyman, Bassoon - Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741): Bassoon Concerto in g minor, RV 495
Interlochen Arts Camp Bassoon Ensemble
Unlike the oboe, the clarinet uses a single reed and a mouthpiece to produce the sound. Willingness to purchase or rent the proper brand of clarinet is MUST. Unfortunately, there are some clarinets on the market whose poor design and craftsmanship will make it next to impossible for your student to succeed. We can help you avoid that pitfall.
Physical Characteristics: One necessity of clarinet tone production is the ability to make the chin flat. Orthodontia is okay, but if a student has an extremely rounded bottom row of teeth, the mouthpiece will be hard to place in the proper position for tone production.
Other considerations: Instruction in clarinet can be meticulous. Students who are able to focus on and perform a detailed series of instructions could do well on clarinet. Clarinet players are also responsible for maintaining a working stock of 4-6 quality reeds.
20% of students will be selected to play CLARINET
Clarinet Personality: Focused
Han Kim plays G.Rossini's Introduction, Theme and Variations for Clarinet and Orchestra
Candide Overture by Leonard Bernstein- Quatuor de Clarinettes Anches Hantées - Eb Soprano Clarinet, Bb Clarinets (2) and Bass Clarinet
The alto saxophone gives the impression of being both a brass AND woodwind instrument, however it is indeed considered a woodwind instrument. The alto saxophone (which uses a single reed like the clarinet) is a very popular instrument like the flute and only a few students will be chosen to play it.
Physical Characteristics: Since the balance of the saxophone is maintained by the use of a neck strap, it is extremely important that students be able to sit up completely straight when asked to.
Other Considerations: Saxophone players are responsible for maintaining a working stock of 4-6 quality reeds. Alto Saxophone students will have the opportunity after their first year of instruction to audition for Tenor Sax or Baritone Sax (based on their proven musical and behavioral abilities while in alto saxophone class).
8% of students will be selected for SAXOPHONE
Creston Saxophone Concerto - Rob Burton, Saxophone., City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
US Army Field Band Saxophone Quartet - Bach "Little" Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578 (arranged for saxophone quartet) - Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone and Baritone Saxophone
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